One Year of the Pandemic: Where are we now?
You are invited to a Canadian Shield Regional Council Town Hall on Thursday, March 25, 2021 from 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Our conversation will be hosted by the CSRC Support to Communities of Faith Commission. Discussions to include updates, reminders and resources from the Canadian Shield RC and The United Church of Canada. Join us and share your questions, concerns, surprises, and celebrations. EVERYONE is welcome and we hope to “see” you there! Please click on the button below for Zoom login information.
General Council 44: Online Only
Commissioners of the 43rd General Council met online over the weekend for a special recall meeting, where the historic decision was made to have an online-only General Council meeting next year. Read the full news piece to find out more.

Invitation to Worship: Moderator’s Good Friday Service
On the morning of April 2, join the Moderator and members of the General Council Executive for a Good Friday service on the United Church’s YouTube channel. We will gather online to remember stories of Jesus’ final hour, and sing and pray together. Find out more.

Light a Flame for a Guaranteed Livable Income
In this video, Moderator Richard Bott invites you to join the call for a Guaranteed Livable Income and contact our Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. April 8 is a chance to make this call visible; plan to light a candle and post publicly on social media (#UCCanlivableincome) in solidarity with small outdoor vigils being held on Parliament Hill, at Minister Chrystia Freeland’s constituency office, and at other MP constituency offices.
Due to COVID-19, the vigils are restricted to locally designated individuals, and plans will be adjusted if needed. If you’d like to organize one, contact justice@united-church.ca. Take a look at the GLI webpage for more information and worship resources, and read this new blog post. And sign up to receive updates—the Cross Canada GLI network of United Church leaders is eager to connect with you! Dr. Ernie Epp (eepp@lakeheadu.ca) is the GLI Network representative for the Canadian Shield Regional Council.