Worship and Reflection Resources
United In Worship Project
The United in Worship Project resources are available to all United Churches. Our aim is to provide ready-to-use materials for communities of faith currently worshipping without clergy and/or untrained lay-members.
Material includes:
- Order of Service
- Digital Presentation
- Sermon Text
- Video Sermon
Using your web browser, go to: https://www.united-in-worship.ca/ and select the registration button. WE RECOMMEND THAT YOUR COMMUNITY OF FAITH SET UP THE ACCOUNT AND SHARE THEIR LOGIN AND PASSWORD with each person who regularily lead worship in your congregation. There is an annual subscription fee of $216.00 for 2020. This reflects the cost of ONE PULPIT SUPPLY for the year and provides a minimum of 52 weeks of worship for the year plus all the archives.
For more information, go to the website: https://www.united-in-worship.ca/ or contact:
George Bott george.bott@gmail.com (807) 228-1274
Joy Bott ajoybott@gmail.com (807) 229-1278