Dear friends across the Canadian Shield Region –
We are excited to announce that representatives to the Canadian Shield Regional Council are invited to attend a mandatory orientation workshop on Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. by Zoom.
This orientation for all Elected Lay Reps and Ministry Personnel is being held to review the responsibilities of being a member of Regional Council.
If you have not already done so, please ensure that your community of faith has reported your regional rep/s on the CSRC website. To do so, please click on this link: Regional Reps | Canadian Shield (canadianshieldrc.ca)
During this evening session, you will meet our chair of the Executive, Barbara Nott. You will be introduced to the context, governance and ministries of the Canadian Shield Region. As well as an orientation to the roles and responsibilities of Regional Representatives, you are invited to connect with other Representatives from your local area, and meet with local Commission members.
Please register by clicking on this link: Meeting Registration – Zoom
Thank you,