Evaluation of Ministry Personnel Events
Over the last three years the region has been hosting several events for ministry personnel. They have included workshops on a variety of subjects and retreats offering time of reflection and conversation. Most of these events have been on Zoom. We had one in-person retreat at the Anishinabek Spiritual Centre in September of 2022 with Fred Monteith. Average attendance has been around 20 people which is about half of the ministry personnel who are currently serving in a call or appointment in our region. These events have been organized by our Ministry Wellness Team: Ted Harrison, Erin Todd, Nancy Ferguson, Kellie McComb and Rob Smith.
As we look to the future, please take a few moments to fill out our simple evaluation form below. We would like to know what you liked and what you didn’t like and any ideas that you might have for future events. We wish to continue to support ministry personnel in finding health, joy, and excellence in their work. Thank you for taking the time to offer feedback and any suggestions that you might have.