395 Lakeshore Dr., North Bay, ON, P1A 2C5 | Phone: 1-833-236-0281 Ext. 1 csrc@united-church.ca
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The Right Relations Resource Team (RRRT) has made some resources available for people to download and use.  These resources are called M4RR – Minute for Right Relations.  This initiative was first started by the Right Relations Home Group – later known as Living Into Right Relations group – that was started in Manitou Conference.  The intention for the M4RR is to offer a brief monthly reflection that we hope will find a forum in a variety of ways in your context such as being:

  • read in worship;
  • printed in the Sunday bulletin;
  • read at the start of a Board Council meeting or study group; and/or
  • used for personal reflection.

Below you will find  current and archived copies of M4RRs.

We hope that you use them and continue to look here for the most current M4RRs!

Most Recent Minute for Right Relations (M4RR)


June 2024 – National Indigenous History Month

April 2024 – Red Dress Day and The Moose Hide Campaign [PDF – 1 page}

February 2024 – Have a Heart Day [ PDF – 1 page ]


Archived Editions of Minute for Right Relations



February 2023 – Have a Heart Day [ PDF – 1 page ]



September 2022 – Alberta Billy  [ PDF – 1 page ]

May 2022 – The Tobacco Tie [ PDF – 1 page ]

May 2022 – Hand Shakes [ PDF – 1 page ]

March 2022 – Massive Open Online Course [ PDF – 1 page ]

February 2022 – Have a Heart Day [ PDF – 1 page ]


October 2021 – Sisters in Spirit Vigil – [ PDF – 1 page ]

September 2021 – Why I Drum – [ PDF – 1 page ]

June 2021 – Indigenous Day of Prayer – [ PDF – 1 page ]

April 2021 – Clean Drinking Water – [ PDF – 1 page ]

March 2021 – The Four Sacred Medicines – [ PDF – 1 page ]

January 2021 – Intergenerational Trauma – [ PDF – 1 page ]


November 2020 – Residential School  as National Historic Site  – [ PDF – 1 page ]

September 2020 – Orange Shirt Day – [ PDF – 1 page ]

June 2020 – How Can You Help? – [ PDF – 1 page ]

March 2020 – Update on the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls – [ PDF – 1 page ]


Since making the apology to First Nations People in 1986, The United Church of Canada has been on a journey of living into Right Relations. The Regional Right Relations Resource Team (RRRT) is sharing some First Nations teachings because they believe that through knowledge and understanding comes respect and healing, an important part of our journey together. 

The United Church of Canada’s Responses

Minute for Right Relations – October 2013 – Righting & Re-Writing The Basis of Union and The United Church Crest – [ PDF – 1 page ]
The 41st GC showed overwhelming support to have statements of inclusion put into the Basis of Union as well as to add the four Aboriginal colors of black, red, white and yellow into the crest. And the words written in Mohawk “Akwe Nia’Tetewá:neren”, meaning “all my relations”, were
included on the crest’s edge. Report from Brenda McLay, Delegate to General Council 41, Manitou Conference

Minute for Right Relations – May 2014 – The Memory Project – [ PDF – 1 page ]
“Words of action and sincerity” – As a way to honour and remember and carry forward the “words of action and sincerity” the Manitou Conference Right Relations Home Group has committed to preserving the stories of some of the participants in the 1986 Apology.

Books and Articles

Minute for Right Relations – Indian Horse – January 2015 – [ PDF – 1 page ]
This Right Relations piece is a direct excerpt from Richard Wagamese`s compelling novel “Indian Horse“The excerpt captures a moment in time at residential school and portrays the huge emotional impact and loss of being taken from one`s true home.

Minute for Right Relations – Decolonization- Geez Magazine Fall 2015 – [ PDF – 1 page ]
Geez Magazine, is an award winning Canadian publication self-described as “setting up camp in the outback of the spiritual commons”. Last fall 2015 it devoted its publication to “decolonization”. If part of the work of Right Relations is the recognition of past and on-going injustice in the relationship between indigenous and settler peoples in Canada, having some understanding of our shared colonial history is necessary.


The Right Relations Resource Team pray that these Minutes for Right Relations (M4RRs) may be a helpful blessing on your journey.


Staff Support

Melody Duncanson-Hales

Melody Duncanson-Hales

Minister, Community of Faith Support

Phone: 1-833-236-0281 Ext. 4
Email: MDuncanson-Hales@united-church.ca

Serves in: Canadian Shield Regional Council

Location: Teleworks from home

Role: Melody provides support for the region by encouraging and connecting communities of faith as they adapt and experiment in changing times.

Contact Melody about: Community Ministries, Congregational Finance, Covenants, Grants, Property, and Transitions - amalgamations, collaboration, closures.

More about Melody...

Susan Whitehead

Susan Whitehead

Executive Assistant and Administrative Support

Phone: 705-474-3350 | 1-833-236-0281 Ext. 1
Email: swhitehead@united-church.ca

Serves in: Canadian Shield Regional Council and Shining Waters Regional Council

Location: Works from the North Bay Main Office.

Role: Susan provides administrative support to the Executive Minister, Regional Council Executive, and related Commissions.

Contact Susan about: General Inquiries; Bedrock Newsletter; Family News; Minutes and Policies; Regional Meeting.

More about Susan...