Shawn Redden
Minister, Justice and Faith Formation
Phone: 1-833-236-0281
Extension: 7
Email: sredden@united-church.ca
Serves in: Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils
Location: Teleworks from her home.
Shawn encourages and connects communities of faith and the regional council with matters of faith formation and justice. Contact Shawn about: Affirming Ministry; Social Justice Ministries; Community Outreach Ministries; Camping Ministries; Faith Formation; Harm Reduction; Worship and Music; Youth and Young Adult Ministry, United Church Women (UCW)
Shawn approaches ministry with an emphasis on engaging young people in ministry’s purpose and works to connect communities of faith with resources that best suit their ministry needs.
Shawn Redden (she/her) Experience and Biography
Shawn’s roots are in the Maritimes and a farming community in rural Nova Scotia. Her spiritual journey was inspired by the natural world and nurtured by the sense of community and witness of the United Church. Shawn attended university in Ottawa and worked in Toronto before moving ‘home’ to attend the Atlantic School of Theology (Halifax). She was ordained by Maritime Conference (1992) and has served congregations in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Three of these were team ministries, which provided rich opportunities to deepen her experience with faith formation, retreats, community outreach and leadership animation. Her most recent ministry position was with a congregation that partnered with a not-for-profit agency to create a Community Hub with affordable housing, community garden and food security programs.
Shawn brings skills in participatory adult education, a deep passion for spiritual formation, a heart for children and youth ministry, and a life-long commitment to the social justice ethos of our United Church. Shawn completed a Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Leadership at Chicago Theological Seminary (2013).
Shawn enjoys a game of Scrabble, discovering new environs by hiking or road tripping, cooking and sharing a meal with friends, reading a story with her grandchildren. She would love to find a new church ‘home’ where she could gather in circles of all-ages, share a Godly Play© story, and wonder together.
I am excited to serve in Canadian Shield Regional Council. I am looking forward to meeting many of you and getting to know you and your hopes and challenges.