The evening of Thursday, June 10th, 2021 is the CSRC’s Regional Council meeting as well as the Moderator’s Livestream service on the 96th Anniversary of The UCC.
This is just like our yearly Regional Council Meeting except the agenda is much smaller. All Ministry Personnel and Lay Reps to the Region should be there as voting is happening and we need to make quorum.
It is the perfect time to grab a drink, maybe some munchies and sit at your desk, on your lawn, on your deck or curl up on the couch to have a visit with The United Church of Canada.
First is the CSRC Regional Council Meeting at 5:30 p.m. (please note the change in time from 7:00 p.m.), where we have 3 items of business:
- The voting for your choices of General Council 44 Commissioners that will represent us at the National Level meeting (GC44 is happening in July 2022 online);
- The approval for the Regional Affirming Process (where we have a final vote on the decision to become an Affirming Region); and, most importantly,
A chance to see and hear friends and colleagues that we haven’t visited with in a long, LONG time.
Click on the button below to register for the meeting and to receive your Zoom login information:
PLEASE NOTE: Shortly after you register, you will receive a confirmation email of registration. In that email will be the Zoom login link. The link looks a bit different (see picture) and you will need to click on the blue letters that say: “Click Here to Join.”

Nominations for your GC44 Commissioners have now closed and unfortunately, we are unable to take names from the “floor” of the Regional Council Meeting on June 10th. Click on the button below to view the Nominees – see their pictures and read their bios in order to be ready to vote at the June 10th CSRC Meeting.