Lisa Blais,
Team Lead of Right Relations RT
Melody Duncanson Hales, CSRC Staff
Minister for Congregational Support
Canadian Shield Regional Council
Phone: 705-474-3350 | 1-833-236-0281
Ext. 5
Email: mduncanson-hales@united-church.ca
Members of the Right Relations Resource Team (RRRT)
- Lisa Blais (Team Lead)
- Maxine McVey
- Carol Germa
- Janie Clayton
- Susan Lindquist
- Brian Mundell
- Nancy Mundell
- Sylvia Carscadden
- Melody Duncanson Hales (Staff Resource) mduncanson-hales@united-church.ca
Right Relations RT Responsibilities:
This Resource Team creates an intentional structure through which the Regional Council lives its commitment to Truth and Reconciliation and the Calls to the Church.
- Animating the “Calls to the Church” and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
- Consciousness raising in relation to the legacy of the Indian Residential Schools;
- Responding to issues such as murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls;
- Listening for, responding to, and creating opportunities for cross-cultural dialogue;
- Acknowledgment of Traditional Territory;
- Collaborating with the national ecumenical organization called KAIROS in their educational and advocacy work towards right relations;
- being intentional in its invitation to Indigenous partners to participate;
- Overseeing and managing the “Manitou Art Collection”.