October 27, 2021
Re: Increase of Minimum Rate for Licensed Lay Worship Leaders
Dear Communities of Faith,
Greetings in Christ from your Canadian Shield Pastoral Relations Commission. We want to thank you for all the faithful work you are continuing to do in sharing God’s love with your communities. We also appreciate your willingness to adapt to the many challenges and changes you have faced in these last two years because of the pandemic. We know that it is has not been easy and we know that the future still seems uncertain. Please remember that you are not alone in these days. The Canadian Shield Regional Council is here to support you as together we navigate this new normal.
We are blessed to have over forty licensed lay worship leaders serving our communities of faith. They help keep worship happening all over our region. When we became a region in January 2019, we set a minimum amount that licensed lay worship leaders were to be paid. We felt that we needed to be consistent across the region and we wanted to acknowledge the important role that LLWLs play in our region. That minimum was originally set at $150.00 per Sunday. Some of you have graciously paid over the minimum and we thank you for your generosity.
The Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Support and Resource Team felt it was time to review that minimum amount and have recommended an increase. The Pastoral Relations Commission agreed at our last meeting, September 29, 2021. Therefore, starting immediately, the minimum for pulpit supply for all Licensed Lay Worship Leaders is now $175.00.
It was also decided that the minimum will be increased every year on January 1st by the same cost of living percentage that the General Council increases the salaries of Ministry Personnel. The most recent increase is 1.3 % Minimum Salaries for Ministry Personnel (2022) (united-church.ca) Therefore, on January 1, 2022 the minimum paid to licensed lay worship leaders will increase to $177. 28. In comparison the minimum pulpit supply rate for ministry personnel as of January 2022 will be $224.00
Please also remember that Licensed Lay Worship Leaders are to be reimbursed for their travel at 41 cents a kilometer. This is a minimum salary requirement and more can always be offered. More should be offered if the LLWL is expected to preach and lead worship at more than one community of faith on the same day (i.e. a two-point pastoral charge.)
Every three years each LLWL is re-interviewed and most provide supporting references from their home community of faith and people who have experienced the worship leadership of the Licensed Lay Worship Leader. The LLWL Support and Resource Team also provides annual continuing education events. We are blessed with a well-trained and supported group of Licensed Lay Worship Leaders.
If you have any questions or concerns about this increase of minimum salary for LLWLs or about our LLWL program, please feel free to contact Rob Smith our Pastoral Relations Minister (rsmith@united-church.ca).
Blessings on your journey,
Rob Smith John Watson
CSRC Pastoral Relations Minister CSRC Pastoral Relations Commission Chair
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