Recently we have received several queries about Charitable Impact and its website,https://www.charitableimpact.com. This organization is a registered charity that links potential donors and their interests, and lists United Church regional councils and congregations on their site. If they receive donations for a United Church, they receipt the gift and forward the net amount to the appropriate regional council or church
It is completely legal for them to do this because they are using public data from the Canada Revenue Agency Charities Directorate website. Charitable Impact is a legal entity that also files with Canada Revenue Agency. The fees they charge manage the donations, fund their organization, and also fund their own charitable foundation.
We continue to recommend Canada Helps as our preferred third-party donation service, and we encourage regional councils and communities of faith to continue to use Canada Helps. Canada Helps also charges a small fee for processing donations, but we have had a long and smooth relationship with them and their service is excellent.
For more information on Canada Helps, see their https://www.canadahelps.org/en/ and a webinar on the subject https://www.united-in-learning.com/index.php/webinars/recordings/188-webinars-for-church-treasurers-canadahelps.
Erik Mathiesen
Executive Officer, Finance
The United Church of Canada