A New Partnership for Summer 2020
Emmanuel United Church, Sault Ste. Marie and Camp McDougall Incorporated Ministry, Thessalon have entered into an agreement that would see Rev. Nancy Ferguson serving as the full-time Chaplain for the 2020 camping season.
During this 2-month paid leave, Nancy will be providing Christian formation as well as inviting regional ministry personnel to consider being a “Guest Chaplain for a Day/Week” in order to expose the new Canadian Shield Regional Council to Camp McDougall in the hopes that chaplaincy at camp will once again be a priority.
As well, Nancy will be doing research for the camp to look at other models (including this one!) of providing coverage for this position and funding options for the future. If you are interested in learning more about serving as a Guest Chaplain, please be in touch with Nancy directly at emmanuel.min@shaw.ca or 705 946-4949.