Susan Whitehead
Executive Assistant and Administrative Support
Phone: 1-833-236-0281 Ext. 1
Email: swhitehead@united-church.ca
Serves in: Canadian Shield Regional Council and Shining Waters Regional Council
Location: Works from the North Bay Main Office.
Susan is the Executive Assistant to Peter Hartmans and gives administrative support for the Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils. She is the first point of contact for the Canadian Shield Region.
Susan is home base for the Canadian Shield region. She responds to requests and inquiries and is on first for communications. She provides coordination and support for the regional events and manages the regional office.
Susan supports the pastoral relations processes in the region including the accounting work for pastoral supervision.
Susan draws on her teaching background and solid organizational skills to provide strong technical support for regional events and to build capacity of volunteers. Shining Waters and other regions also draw on her excellent tech skills in supporting events and online meetings.
Susan supports the Canadian Shield Regional Council Executive and Commissions. commissions.
Susan Whitehead (she/her) Experience and Biography
Susan was born in Etobicoke in the west end of Toronto. She grew up in the United Church and sang in the choir in her home church of St. James Islington (now Islington United). After leaving her home in Toronto for school, she never quite ended up going back and decided to stay in North Bay.
Susan taught elementary school for 16 years before joining the staff at Manitou Conference in 2012.
She now lives on Trout Lake with her husband Matthew, their two children, Julia and Andrew, and their family dog “Buttons.”
I’ve always loved my job — the people, the organizing, the variety of work. The teacher in me gets super geeky excited when it comes to learning to new stuff. My teaching background is very useful in helping others to learn new tools as well.