Welcome to the 2022 Canadian Shield Regional Council Meeting!
Click on the button below to view the Welcome Letter from the Local Arrangements Planning Team.
Welcome Letter
2022 CSRC Meeting
It is Regional Council Meeting time again! This year, we are so very excited to announce that the CSRC is hosting an in-person meeting from September 23-25, 2022 in Sudbury, ON at St. Andrew’s United Church (111 Larch Street, Sudbury)!
St. Andrew’s UC is wheelchair accessible and has hearing-assist devices. There will be a worship on Sunday, September 25th, 2022 at St. Andrew’s UC for the Celebration of Ministry Service (time TBD). The worship will be live streamed so anyone in the region may watch. Coffee/tea will be on before the service on Sunday and a boxed lunch will be served after for Delegates and paying guests only. There will be an order of Sunday Service posted here for all churches without ministry personnel to use. Please watch for it on this page of the website.
Stay tuned for more details!
What To Bring
You will need:
- AN ORANGE SHIRT for the Celebration of Ministry Service on Sunday to remember and honour Indigenous Children on September 30th
- a reusable mug (there will be water glasses and jugs available) SINGLE-USE WATER BOTTLES WILL NOT BE ALLOWED AT THE MEETING – please DO NOT bring them
- a chair cushion, if you choose
- computers and tablets are welcome and you may use the recharging station but we cannot provide electricity at the tables
NOTE: You do NOT need to bring hymn books to the meeting – they will be provided and there will be projection.
Report Packet
The Report Packet is the workbook for the RC Meeting. This year’s Report Packet is now available!
At our last in-person meeting in 2019, we provided one copy of the Report Packet per table group – the same will occur this year. If you would like your own copy, please indicate that on your registration form and a copy will be provided to you when you register (for a small fee to cover photocopying costs). (Please note, if you do NOT indicate you would like a copy on your registration form, there WILL NOT be one available to you, just the one at your table group):
If you do NOT want to purchase your own copy, there are two other options:
* Print your own copy, or
* Have a computer/tablet/phone and look at it online during the meeting
Each copy will cost $10 payable upon receipt at the registration desk at the meeting. Please give cash or make a cheque payable to: “Canadian Shield Regional Council” (with “2022 RC RP” in the Subject Line).
Click the button below to view the 2022 Canadian Shield Regional Council Meeting Report Packet:
2022 CS RCM Report PacketAgenda for Meeting
The Planning and Business and Agenda Teams are very busy working on the meeting agenda. The start time for the meeting will be 3:00 p.m. on Friday, September 23, 2022 and will end with the Celebration of Ministry Service on Sunday, September 25th at St. Andrew’s UC in Sudbury. Please click on the button below to view the Agenda for the weekend:
Draft Agenda – Canadian Shield RCM 2022
Want to serve? There are several positions available for you to choose from. Click on the button below to take you to the Nominations page and to nominate yourself or someone you know!
NOTE: Nominations close on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at 12:00 p.m.
Click here to Nominate
Zoom Tip Sheet
Can’t attend in person, but joining in by Zoom? Check out our Zoom Tip Sheet for the meeting. In particular review the how to vote section. Look forward to seeing you online!
Zoom Tip Sheet – CSRC Regional Meeting 2022
Registration for the 2022 Canadian Shield Regional Council Meeting is now open!
Registration deadline is: September 9, 2022
If at any point you register for the in-person meeting and change your mind and would like to change it to online, not to worry – just send an email to Susan Whitehead at: swhitehead@united-church.ca and we will change it!
2022 RCM RegistrationMileage Form for the RCM
The Canadian Shield Regional Council Executive recently made the decision to cover 100% of round-trip transportation cost for all Regional Council members, with the mileage rate at $0.46 per km and receipts required for plane, bus or train travel.
There will be Mileage forms available here shortly and they will also be paper copies at the meeting.

Accommodations List
Click here for the Accommodations List for the 2022 CSRC Meeting in Sudbury, ON:
2022 Accommodations List
Feature Hotel
The CSRC Planning Team has chosen The Northbury Hotel and Conference Centre in Sudbury as our feature hotel.
There will be a block of rooms available for people attending the 2022 CSRC Meeting. See the Accommodations List for more details.
Shuttle Available:
There will be a bus shuttling delegates from the Northbury Hotel to St. Andrew’s United Church on:
- Friday and back to the hotel after the meeting ends;
- Saturday Morning from the hotel to the meeting; and
- Saturday Evening back to the hotel after the meeting ends.
NOTE: There will be no shuttle on Sunday.
At-Home Service
Rev. Rob Smith and Rev. Dave Le Grand have prepared an at-home service for communities of faith to use while their ministry personnel are away at the Canadian Shield Regional Council Meeting on Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022. The sermon transcript will be available here one week before the meeting for downloading. Please click on the button below to view and download the service:
Sept. 25, 2022 At-Home Service
Theme Hymn
You may remember there was a hymn writing competition a few months ago to find a theme hymn for the meeting. We are so pleased to announce that we have a winning hymn that was chosen for our theme hymn. Thank you to everyone who participated! The hymn is entitled “Always In Our Boat” by Jane Best. Below you will find the lyrics and shortly you will find the song sheets and an MP4 of the instrumental version of the song should you wish to use it in your community of faith in the next year.
Proposals can be created to be considered by the Regional Council or the Regional Council Executive. A “proposal” is a formal request for the council to take action. It is one way that a United Church member may raise an issue that is important to them and ask for the church to take action on it.
The 2022 Manual, Section F, describes in detail how a proposal may be submitted. The button below also provides a template for creating a proposal. Proposals can be submitted before the Regional Council meeting, to be circulated in the Regional meeting workbook or, a proposal can be submitted to the Agenda and Business table before the scheduled close of submission of new business, during our Regional Meeting. See the CSRC Meeting agenda for specific close of business time (to be available soon).
Deadline for Proposals to the 2022 RCM: Friday, September 16, 2022
Please click on the button below to see the template used for submitting a proposal to the 2022 CSRC Meeting:
2022 Proposal TemplateSWAG Orders:
We are again selling t-shirts and golf shirts with an embroidered CSRC Logo on it. If you would like to order a 2022 Canadian Shield Regional Council shirt, please indicate on your registration form which shirt you would like. The last date to order t-shirts will be August 19, 2022 in order to receive them for the meeting. Don’t forget to check the sizing chart before you order:
T-Shirt and Golf Shirt Sizing ChartThere will also be coffee mugs with the CSRC logo on them available for purchase. Please inquire at the Registration Table at the meeting (cash/cheque only please).
Ministry Personnel Retreat
CSRC is pleased to again invite Ministry Personnel to gather prior to the RC meeting for a time of networking and personal renewal. NOTE: THIS IS FOR MINISTRY PERSONNEL ONLY.
This will be held from Thursday, September 22 – Friday, September 23, 2022 and at the Anishinabe Spiritual Centre in Espanola. The cost of the event will be $100 for all MP participants (includes accommodation and meals).
Thank you for joining us!