The Canadian Shield Reginal Council is in urgent need of GC44 Commissioners nominations.
At the June 2021 regional meeting we elected 7 commissioners and one alternate commissioner. Since that meeting, we were awarded one additional commissioner position from the General Council Office. As a result the position was filled by the alternate commissioner.
Recently, we have received a resignation from one of the Commissioners.
As a result, we are putting out an urgent call for three positions to the GC44; one of which will fill the vacant position and the other two will be named as alternates.
The CSRC Nominations Committee is seeking interested members spanning the full range of identities and church experiences to be nominated as GC44 Commissioners. Please help us by spreading the word.
Click on the button below to learn more about what the job description of a Commissioner is, what the CSRC election process is, and more.
Thank you for considering becoming a Commissioner or for nominating someone who you feel would be an excellent GC44 Commissioner.
Please click on the button below to fill out the Nomination form:
GC44 Commissioner Vacancy NominationJob Description for a GC44 Commissioner
As the voting members of a General Council, Commissioners serve an essential role in The United Church of Canada. Following the guidance of the Holy Spirit present in our gatherings, Commissioners set policy and take action on a wide-range of questions including those of doctrine, worship, governance, and public-witness. Commissioners elect the Moderator who will serve as the spiritual leader of the church until the next regular meeting. Being a Commissioner is a significant commitment of both time and energy. For most people, it is also an enriching and faith-deepening one.
Click on the button to view the full Job Description: