395 Lakeshore Dr., North Bay, ON, P1A 2C5 | Phone: 1-833-236-0281 Ext. 1 csrc@united-church.ca
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Elected Lay Representatives


Every year, communities of faith elect members of their church community to be Canadian Shield Regional Council Elected Lay Representatives.  Regional elected lay reps are called to the ministry of participating in the decision making council in which your community of faith resides and are given a responsibility to consider and discern decisions about ministry, mission and priorities for service and stewardship.

The number of elected lay reps a community of faith elects depends on the number of resident membership.  You will find this number on your stats form – it is column 16-17.  According to section C.1.2. in The Manual (2025), lay members of the regional council are members of The United Church of Canada who are not ministry personnel and who are:

a)  elected by communities of faith on the following basis:

         i)  one representative from each community of faith with 100 or fewer members;

         ii) two representatives from each community of faith with 101 to 200 members;

        iii) three representatives from each community of faith with 201 to 300 members;

        iv) four representatives from each community of faith with more than 300 resident members.

b)  additional lay members as determined by the regional council if necessary to respect a balance of ministry personnel and lay members who are not ministry personnel in the membership of the regional council.


What are the responsibilities of Elected Lay Reps to the Regional Council?

Elected Lay Representatives have the following responsibilities to their community of faith:

  • You are the primary communication hub between the Regional Council and your community of faith.
  • Share emails you receive about the work of Regional Council widely in your congregation.
  • Share written reports about Regional Council work with the governing body of your community of faith on a regular basis, even if you are not a members of the governing body.
  • Write an annual report for the Annual Report of your community of faith.
  • Help people in your community of faith know who they should talk to in the regional council about their questions/concerns/need for information.

Read the full Elected Lay Representative Job Description.


Lay Rep Update

Keep us up to date. Please fill out the form below with your elected lay reps contact information:


CSRC Elected Lay Representative Update 2023

  • Please enter the town/city/area where your community of faith is located in. (i.e. Trinity UC, Thunder Bay)
  • Please enter the name of the person who has been elected the Regional Lay Representative for your community of faith. If you have more than one, please fill out a separate form for each person.


Let’s Connect – Lay Rep Gatherings

Recording of February 15, 2023 Let’s Connect Gathering


Recording of May 5, 2022 Lay Rep Orientation Gathering

Staff Support

Diane Matheson-Jimenez

Diane Matheson-Jimenez

Minister, Community of Faith Support

Direct Phone: 249-489-2003
Email: dmatheson@united-church.ca

Serves in: Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils

Location: Teleworks from home

Role: Diane provides support for the region by encouraging and connecting communities of faith as they adapt and experiment in changing times.

Contact Diane about: Conflict Resolution, Community Ministries, Congregational Finance, Covenants, Grants, Property, and Transitions - amalgamations, collaboration, closures.

More about Diane...

Melody Duncanson-Hales

Melody Duncanson-Hales

Minister, Community of Faith Support

Phone: 1-833-236-0281 Ext. 4
Email: MDuncanson-Hales@united-church.ca

Serves in: Canadian Shield Regional Council

Location: Teleworks from home

Role: Melody provides support for the region by encouraging and connecting communities of faith as they adapt and experiment in changing times.

Contact Melody about: Community Ministries, Congregational Finance, Covenants, Grants, Property, and Transitions - amalgamations, collaboration, closures.

More about Melody...