395 Lakeshore Dr., North Bay, ON, P1A 2C5 | Phone: 1-833-236-0281 Ext. 1 csrc@united-church.ca
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Festival of Faith 2023 logo final

Friday, June 13 to Sunday, June 15, 2025
In Sudbury, Ontario to be held at the
Holiday Inn, 1696 Regent Street


Canadian Shield Regional Council is very excited to co-host the 2025 Festival of Faith with our friends in Shining Waters! The 2025 Festival of Faith will be held June 13-15, 2025 at the Holiday Inn, 1696 Regent Street in Sudbury (MAP). The theme this year is “God Never Sleeps” from Psalm121:4


A Message from The Planning Team

Hello and Welcome!

My name is Steven Loweth, and I’m the minister at Westminster United Church in Thunder Bay. I’m also honored to co-chair this year’s Festival of Faith 2025 alongside my friend and colleague, John Joseph Mastandrea.

On behalf of the Festival team and the Canadian Shield Region, I’m 

Welcome to the Rock!

My name is John Joseph Mastandrea and I am one of the Co-Chairs of this year’s Festival of Faith, with my stellar colleague, the very soon to be Rev. Steven Loweth, from the Canadian Shield Regional Council.

We look back to remember: the time in the Mutual Street Arena where

excited to invite you to join us for this incredible event, happening June 13-15, 2025 in Sudbury. We’ll gather at the beautifully renovated Holiday Inn near the Four Corners, nestled close to the shores of Lake Ramsey—a perfect setting to inspire our time together.

This year’s theme draws on the powerful imagery of Water, Rock, John’s Gospel story of the Woman at the Well, and Isaiah’s assurance that “God never sleeps.” Through engaging workshops, uplifting worship, and moments of wonder, we’ll explore these themes together in ways that nurture both heart and spirit.

We’re also thrilled to welcome John Bell as our keynote speaker! Coming all the way from Scotland, John will share his wisdom throughout the weekend, culminating in a wonderful sermon during Sunday’s closing worship. Many of you may already know John’s work—he’s a Scottish hymn-writer, Church of Scotland minister, long-time member of the Iona Community, and a beloved contributor to Voices United and More Voices with 19 hymns he has written or arranged. John is genuinely looking forward to being with us, and we know his presence will enrich our gathering.

As we celebrate 100 years of the United Church of Canada, this festival is also a celebration of us—our connections, our stories, and our shared faith as part of the body of Christ. Keep an eye out for more details soon, including an early bird registration option!

I can’t wait to reconnect with familiar faces and meet new ones at the Festival of Faith 2025. Let’s make it a gathering to remember!


Steven Loweth

1000’s gathered in the name of Christ to take their stand; we look back to recall the Methodists, the Congregationalists, the Presbyterians and the Union Churches; we look back to bring our voice, “O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing…again.”

We see today: the call to be the United Church of Canada; we see today, the place where ALL ARE WELCOME; we see today, the people at the edge to invite to the centre… today the word becoming flesh.

Join us in Sudbury June 13 to June 15, 2025 from the shores of Lake Ontario, the head waters of Blue Mountain, the portage of the Trent Severn… join us in sight of the Canadian Shield.

We want to see you, and the person on your left, and the person on your right.

Hear the wisdom of John Bell. Hear the sound of a sacred song and be the story. Step right up to the threshold of Celebrating 100 years.

I am looking forward to my return home. Yes, I serve a Toronto Church Manor Road United. Yes, I celebrate over 35 years of service from Saskatchewan to the Eastern Shores of Quebec. Yes, I look forward to my return home, to Northern Ontario where I served St. Matthew’s and St. Paul’s Anglican United Church, 1989 to 1992.

It is time to come out and strike the rock. It is time to come to the well and drink from the cup of community. It is time to be deep, bold, and daring! It is time to stand at the threshold and know that GOD NEVER SLEEPS!


John Joseph Mastandrea

Who to See

Welcome Message from Our Keynote Speaker: John Bell

Keynote Speaker: John Bell

John Lamberton Bell (born 1949) is a Scottish hymn-writer and Church of Scotland minister. He is a member of the Iona Community, a broadcaster, and former student activist. He works throughout the world, lecturing in theological colleges in the UK, Canada and the United States, but is primarily concerned with the renewal of congregational worship at the grass roots level.

United Church Music includes:
More Voices 2 – Come, All You People (Uyai Mose)
Move Voices 85 – Take, O Take Me as I Am
Move Voices 115 – Behold, I Make All Things New
Voices United 117 – Jesus Christ is Waiting
Voices United 356 – Seek Ye First the Kingdom

Special Guest: The Right Reverend Doctor Carmen Lansdowne

The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne is the 44th Moderator of The United Church of Canada (UCC). She is the elected national spiritual leader and public representative of the United Church until 2025. As Moderator, Carmen chairs the governance bodies of the UCC. She also sits on the board of the Vancouver Foundation–one of the largest community foundations in Canada. She has previously held a number of important governance roles with the UCC, including supporting indigenous candidates for ministry.

Prior to serving the national church, Moderator Carmen was the executive director of First United Church Community Ministry Society in Vancouver; She joined First United in February 2017, led an organizational turnaround resulting in increased stability and capacity, and facilitated the redevelopment of their main site. Following her term as Moderator, she will take up a teaching position as Assistant Professor of UCC Studies at Emmanuel College at the University of Toronto; she starts teaching in January, 2026.

The Moderator leads with compassion, thoughtfulness, and creativity while maintaining academic interests, church ministry, indigenous ways of being, parenting, and partnering. She holds a PhD from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, and is a member of the Heiltsuk First Nation. She is passionate about creating a life with great stories and amazing adventures with her family.


Headshot of The Right Reverend Doctor Carmen Lansdowne, 44th moderator of the united church of canada
exterior shot of holiday inn sign in Sudbury


Take advantage of the group rate by booking your accommodation at the same location as our event. The Holiday Inn located at 1696 Regent Street in Sudbury (MAP). Attendees enjoy the special rate of $169 plus tax per room. You can book online by clicking the button below which will redirect you to their reservation page. Scroll down and select your check in and check out dates. Then click ‘VIEW PRICES’ and hit select. You should be all set with the preferred rate.

Or if you prefer, you may make your reservations via telephone, by calling the Front Desk at 705-522-3000 and quoting the block code ‘UCC’.

Please note that accommodation is extra, on top of the event rate below. If you want to take advantage of the special rate for accommodation the booking deadline is May 12, 2025.

Festival Agenda

Friday, June 13, 2025

11:30 a.m.      Registration 

1:00 p.m.       Gathering Music 


Opening Worship

Co-Chairs Talk about the Theme 

2:30 p.m.         John Bell’s Keynote #1 – “Rock:  Our Legacy from the Past”

3:30 p.m.        BREAK

4:00 p.m.        One Hour Workshops: (choose from one of the following) 

  • John Bell – Storytelling
  • Kellie McComb – Soul Collage
  • Jane Best – Song Creation: An Invitation to Write Lyrics
  • Moderator – Celebrating 100 Years of the UCC 

5:30 p.m.      DINNER

7:00 p.m.      John Bell’s Keynote #2 – “Water:  Shaping Who We Are”

8:00 p.m.     Moderator’s Theological Reflection 

                    Social Time 

Saturday, June 14, 2025

8:45 a.m.      Gathering Music  

9:00 a.m.      Morning Worship

9:15 a.m.      John Bell’s Keynote #3 – “Women:  Midwife to Us All”

10:15 a.m.    BREAK

10:45 a.m. One Hour Workshops: (choose from one of the following) 

  • Kim Inglis – It’s Just a Dog 
  • John Joseph Mastandrea – Mindfulness in Motion: A Time with Lectio Divina 
  • Jane Best – Song Creation: An Invitation to Make Music 
  • Ruth Noble – Affirming in the Face of Hatred and Faith-Based Trauma 

12:00 p.m.     LUNCH

1:30 p.m.      One Hour Workshops: (choose from one of the following) 

  • Waabishki Mkwaa Singers/Drummers – Healing Power of the Drum 
  • John Bell – Storytelling (repeat from Friday) 
  • Erin Todd – Body and Soul (Yoga) 
  • Desire Tiriwepi – Courageous Leadership: A New Way of Doing Church 

2:30 p.m.      BREAK

3:00 p.m.      One Hour Workshops: (choose from one of the following) 

  • Diana Wilcox – Then Let Us Sing 
  • Richard Choe – Staying Awake with God?!! 
  • Lindsay Vantour – Faith-Based Financial Decision Making 
  • Moderator – Q & A with the Moderator 

4:15 p.m.      John Bell’s Keynote #4 – “God Never Sleeps”

                     Closing Worship 

                    Theological Reflection, Announcements, and Grace 

6:00 p.m.    BANQUET

                   Coffee House/Talent Show 


Sunday, June 15, 2025

10:00 a.m.      Worship Space at Bell Park Opens 

10:30 a.m.      Pre-Service Hymn Sing 

11:00 a.m.      Celebration of Ministry Service at Bell Park in Sudbury 

1:00  p.m.      Blessings, Farewells and Departure – Closing of the Festival of Faith and Celebration of Ministry Service



Everyone is welcome to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of The United Church of Canada with the Sudbury Area Churches in the afternoon. Bring your bagged lunch to enjoy the Beautiful Bell Park before making your way home.



Friday, June 13 at 4 p.m.

John Bell – “Storytelling – People Who Happen to You” 

Stories which are ‘all about me’ pander to narcissism. Look at Jesus: when does he ever get biographical? But other people and unexpected things happen in the commonalities of life are worth sharing and remembering. 

Kellie McComb – “SoulCollage” 

This workshop will engage you in an easy, enjoyable, intuitive collage process for self-discovery and community. Choose from a unique collection of images and artwork, then using just scissors and glue, create collaged cards that reflect your personality, influences, family and friends, guides and challengers. Discover your soul’s voice as you enter the beautiful world of imagery and intuition.

Jane Best – “Song Creation:  An Invitation to Write Lyrics” 

 A brief look at elements of text writing will lead to a time of individual or group work to begin lyrics for a short song. Our theme “God Never Sleeps” from Psalm 121 will give us a starting point for our thoughts. Dabble, try things, save your words on paper to tweak later. Jane Best is a musician and composer living on Manitoulin Island, with 2 tunes in More Voices, two volumes of sacred songs (Leupold Foundation,) and several choir pieces in print (Cypress Choral, GIA). 


Moderator Carmen Lansdowne – “Celebrating 100 Years of the UCC”

Engage in reflection and energizing discussions towards dream-oriented actions for our churches and communities.  Together we can build a flourishing church that contributes to a better world while looking back and celebrating 100 years of history of the UCC.  


Saturday, June 14 at 10:45 a.m.

Kim Inglis – “It’s Just a Dog”

A look at our connection with animals, from colonization and domestication   to our own interactions from a pastoral and justice-oriented perspective. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains; your judgments are like the great deep; you save humans and animals alike, O Lord. Psalms 36,6. 

John Joseph Mastandrea – “Mindfulness in Motion: A Time with Lectio Divina”

John Joseph Mastandrea is a certified Pastoral Counsellor, also a Certified Spiritual Director and Labyrinth Facilitator, a Mertonian and Mithrandian. Using the tools of Lectio Divina is a Christian practice of reading, meditating, and praying the Bible to deepen one’s relationship with God. Visio Divina – The object for meditation is an image or a picture. Come discover Mindfulness in motion. 

Jane Best – “Song Creation: An Invitation to Make Music” 

After hearing the melodies of several well-known tunes, we will create a very short tune together, and then move to a time of individual or group work creating tunes.  You might consider a new tune to a favorite hymn, or participants in the lyric workshop are welcome to bring their words. This is a time of experimenting and fun with sound, and you may wish to record your work on your phone to continue later.  Jane Best is a musician and composer living on Manitoulin Island, with 2 tunes in More Voices, two volumes of sacred songs (Leupold Foundation,) and several choir pieces in print (Cypress Choral, GIA). 

Ruth Noble – “Affirming in the Face of Hatred and Faith-Based Trauma”

We live in a world where the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities are continually being targeted through legislation and others who use their faith as a weapon. This workshop will explore what it means to be affirming, creating a safe space for those who are targeted and those who experience faith-based trauma. 

Saturday, June 14 at 1:30 p.m.

John Bell – “Storytelling – People Who Happen to You”  

Stories which are ‘all about me’ pander to narcissism. Look at Jesus: when does he ever get biographical? But other people and unexpected things happen in the commonalities of life are worth sharing and remembering. 

Waabishki Mkwaa Singers/Drummers – “Healing Power of the Drum” 

The significance of the hand drum as a medicine for indigenous peoples.  Contrasting traditional healing power with research on energy.  

The main speaker will be Christine Rego, Professor in the Social Service Worker and Mental Health and Addictions Programmes at Fleming College, Peterborough. She will be joined by Shirley Taylor and Carol Germa.  Christine, Shirley and Carol are members of the Indigenous Women’s Hand Drum group, the Waabishki Mkwaa Singers. 

Erin Todd – “Body and Soul” 

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you? Therefore, honor God with your bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). 

Together we’ll explore what it is to view and treat our bodies as sacred, as we celebrate the joy of being and moving in our body-selves. 

Desire Tiriwepi – “Courageous Leadership – A New Way of Doing Church”

Rev Desire Tiriwepi is currently the minister at St Paul’s United Church in Thunder Bay, originally from the United Methodist Church in Zimbabwe, he holds a Masters in Religious Studies and Theology from the University of Zimbabwe and a Master of Divinity from Drew University and is currently completing his Doctorate of Ministry in Courageous Leadership. Desire has vast experience in church growth and discipleship and will be exploring new ways of doing church through interculturalism and its implications in child and youth ministry, growth in diversity, inclusion, justice, fairness, and inclusion, and growth in welcoming people and access to privileges. This is a testimony from real life experience of growth at St Paul’s United Church in Thunder Bay. Come…let us learn and grow together. 



Saturday, June 14 at 3 p.m.

Diana Wilcox – “Then Let us Sing: Our New Hymn Resource”

Then Let Us Sing is full of new hymns and song that both bring a fresh language for God and lift up and prioritize our beautiful diversity. We will talk about how to purchase and make the best use out of this amazing new resource. Diana Hannaford-Wilcox has been Music Director at St. Paul’s United Church now for 27 years where she also conducts two community choirs. She has also composed two tunes in More Voices and a Lord’s Prayer that is used regularly in the Thunder Bay churches. 


Richard Choe – “Staying Awake with God?!!” on Saturday, June 14 at 3:00 p.m. 

We will be exploring ways of deepening one’s spirituality through photographic images, secular music, and poetry. Then, discern how each person can offer those personal experiences in sermon and liturgy to help one’s congregation to experience and explore God

Lindsay Vantour – “Faith-Based Financial Decision Making”

How we spend our money and time matters. It’s not just how we spend it, it’s why. No matter what our resources, we can develop personal financial literacy and make choices as to how we spend our time and money. 

Moderator Carmen Lansdowne – “Q & A with the Moderator”

Do you have questions you would like to ask the Moderator of The United Church of Canada? Here is an opportunity to gather with the Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne and share some insight about a variety of topics.

Early Bird Special and Registration

Registration is now open! Early Bird rate of $200 per person is available until March 31, 2025. On April 1 the regular rate of $250 will take effect. Deadline for registration is June 6, 2025. Please note that accommodation is extra, see above for details and to take advantage of the special booking rate.


Register Here



Planning Team

Stephen Loweth, Co-Chair

John Joseph Mastandrea – Co-Chair

Sharon Beckstead

Jane Best

Diana Hannaford-Wilcox

Warren McDougall

headshot of Rob Smith

Rob Smitt – Staff Support

Susan Whitehead – Staff Support