Peter Hartmans
Executive Minister
Phone: 1-833-236-0281 Ext: 2
Email: phartmans@united-church.ca
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council and Canadian Shield Regional Council
Location: Teleworks and spends time in each region.
Peter provides leadership, counsel, and support for the governance and administration in the Regional Councils. Contact Peter about: Budget and Policy; Media and Public Statements; Regional Joys and Concerns; Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, and Violence.
Peter meets with General Council staff, and colleagues in other regions, to connect and coordinate areas of work and provide support in times of difficulty.
In both CSRC and SWRC, Peter advises on United Church polity and issues related to The Manual and bylaws of the church.
As the senior administrator, Peter is the lead staff for the executive councils and serves the leadership and volunteers as they undertake their responsibilities in regional governance. Peter also supervises the regional staff.
Peter Hartmans (he/him) Experience and Biography
Ordained for twenty-five years, Peter has worked in diverse church contexts. He has served in ministry in the Reformed Church of America where his father also was a minister. In Hamilton Conference, he served for five years as Minister for Faithful Public Witness and six years as Executive Secretary. Previously, Peter ministered to Palmerston United Church and two congregations in the United States.
Peter was deeply engaged in the recent reorganization of the United Church. He remembers it as one of his most gratifying and challenging professional experiences. He continues to love the willingness of The United Church of Canada to be in conversation about theology and the basis of faith.
Peter grew up in Toronto and he has also had the privilege of serving and living in various rural settings.
Peter attends Dublin Street United Church in Guelph where he lives. Peter and his partner in life Alice have three adult children: Erin, Sam and Ben.
I love the variety of the job. You never know what the next day will bring– exciting, challenging, worrying, sometimes joyful, sometimes scary. I see it as a puzzle. It’s always been a learning curve for me. Part of that learning curve is the privilege to work with really inspirational volunteers and staff.