Part Two
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Dr. Betty Pries
Staff Facilitators: Eun-Joo Park and Diane Matheson-Jimenez
By the high demand, “Where two or three are gathered, there is Jesus and Conflict” is back.
This workshop is to support and strengthen congregational lay leaders as well ministry personnel as they reflect on their church context, learn about congregational health, explore and identify their own community of faith’s path to healing and wellness, deepen their understanding of their own call to leadership, and discern God’s path for their churches.
Differences are normal – even essential for healthy human interactions and for listening carefully for God’s leading. One of the most important communication skills involves recognizing the misunderstandings, assumptions, and conflicts that develop in the space between a speaker’s intentions and the impact of the speaker’s words (or actions) on the receiver. This Part II session of Where Two or Three are Gathered, there is Jesus and Conflict! explores a foundational model of communication upon which healthy and effective dialogue can rest.
We hope you can join us!
About our Guest Speaker:

Dr. Betty Pries
With over 30 years of experience coaching, mediating, training, facilitating and consulting, Betty is highly regarded as a Conflict, Change, and Leadership Specialist. Betty specializes in working with complex challenges, supporting leaders, organizations and congregations to be at their best. Betty’s capacity to care deeply, listen well, and provide wise and thoughtful support allows her to help her clients engage in tough, meaningful, and important conversations, set directions, and achieve positive organizational change.
Betty is a specialist in equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), leading anti-racism / anti-prejudice workshops, supporting EDI committees, reviewing and writing EDI-related policies, coaching leaders and offering support to organizations wrestling with EDI challenges.
Betty brings a wealth of experience to her work, having worked with a wide range of organizations, both nationally and internationally. Betty has extensive education, training, and experience in coaching, mediation, negotiation, consensus building, consultation, facilitation, and organizational health. As Co-Founder and CEO at Credence, Betty’s great joy has been the opportunity to mentor and support the growth of the Credence team. Betty has a PhD from the Free University Amsterdam on the topic of conflict transformation & spirituality. In 2021, Betty published a book, The Space between Us: Conversations about Transforming Conflict. She is a Chartered Mediator with the ADR Institute of Canada and a member of the ADR Institute of Ontario. Betty is a regular instructor at the University of Waterloo.
Staff Support for this event:

Diane Matheson-Jimenez
Minister, Community of Faith Support
Direct Phone: 249-489-2003
Email: dmatheson@united-church.ca
Serves in: Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils
Location: Teleworks from home
Role: Diane provides support for the region by encouraging and connecting communities of faith as they adapt and experiment in changing times.
Contact Diane about: Conflict Resolution, Community Ministries, Congregational Finance, Covenants, Grants, Property, and Transitions - amalgamations, collaboration, closures.
More about Diane...

Melody Duncanson-Hales
Minister, Community of Faith Support
Phone: 1-833-236-0281 Ext. 4
Email: MDuncanson-Hales@united-church.ca
Serves in: Canadian Shield Regional Council
Location: Teleworks from home
Role: Melody provides support for the region by encouraging and connecting communities of faith as they adapt and experiment in changing times.
Contact Melody about: Community Ministries, Congregational Finance, Covenants, Grants, Property, and Transitions - amalgamations, collaboration, closures.
More about Melody...

Kathleen Jones
Administrative Support
Direct Phone: 249-489-2005
Email: kijones@united-church.ca
Serves in: Canadian Shield Regional Council and Shining Waters Regional Council
Location: Teleworks from her home.
Role: Kathleen provides administrative support to Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils.

Eun-Joo Park
Direct Phone: 647-951-3538
Email: EPark@united-church.ca
Serves in: Shining Waters Regional Council
Location: Teleworks from home
Role: Eun-Joo encourages and supports both communities of faith and ministry personnel.
Contact Eun-Joo about: Conflict Resolution; Finding A New Minister; Lay Employees; M+P Committees; Licenses To Administer Sacraments; Pastoral Relationships Policy; Resources for Transition Times; Retirement; Sabbaticals; Sick Leave; Short Term Supply Ministers; Visiting Minister Options. Eun-Joo is responsible for all the Communities of Faith and ministry personnel in the region that are located south of Highway 407.